Linda Whitlock, Hospitality Professional of the Month (May 2019)

May 30th, 2019 | hereschicago
Linda Whitlock

Linda Whitlock

Can you tell us your current position, company and describe what you do?

My name is Linda Whitlock and I am President/Co-Owner of Corporate Event Interactive.  I oversee business operations for CEI.

What aspects of hospitality do you incorporate in your business today?  Bringing people together to connect in a fun and meaningful way top build relationships and community.

Where did your hospitality career begin and when was that “aha” moment when you knew you were supposed to be in hospitality as a career? When Kenneth Brown at HRC hired me with 0 experience just because he liked my smile and twinkle in my eye.

How many years have you been in the hospitality business?  Half of my life on this planet

What qualities to you feel a person needs to have to be hospitality professional? You must LOVE the industry, be able to think on your feet to react to challenges and be amenable to impromptu change.

What do you love about planning events in Chicago? Our people, our food, our venues and our can-do attitude!

What do you recommend for others who want to get into the hospitality profession? Get involved in industry associations and get experience wherever you can.

What are you passionate about? My family

Who has been the biggest influence in your life? My husband who convinced me to join him in his business 25 years ago!

What kinds of things really make you laugh? My kids when they were young

What’s your favorite place in the entire world? Cape Flattery — the northwesternmost point of the contiguous US on the Olympic Peninsula,

What’s your biggest goal in life right now? Retirement and travel around the world

What were you like as a kid? Quiet, reserved, smart.  So much has changed!

What type of events do you plan? All kinds of interactive events.

When not working, what do you love to do?  Pretty much anything outdoors

What is your favorite color? BLUE – any shade

Do you have any Association affiliations? Yes – currently MPI.  In the past – ILEA (formerly ISES)

What’s your go-to meal when you’re home alone? Pretty much anything that starts with wine.

What was your First concert? Queen

What are your thoughts about  Great people, great resource!

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