Lauren Cali, Hospitality Professional of the Month (March 2019)

March 20th, 2019 | hereschicago
Lauren Cali

Lauren Cali

First and foremost, can you tell us your current position, company and describe what you do?

I am the Communications Manager at SOGO Marketing. SOGO Marketing helps to promote brands and events in the hospitality industry. I work with clients on a daily basis to help promote their brand, their event(s), their company and their work on social media. I also work on content creation for blogs, and websites.

What aspects of hospitality do you incorporate in your business today?  

Hospitality is a part of the culture at SOGO. Every day we work to build relationships with our clients and prospective clients.

Where did your hospitality career begin and when was that “aha” moment when you knew you were supposed to be in hospitality as a career?

With SOGO, after a few months of working with SOGO I realized that the hospitality industry is a great industry to be a part of.

What qualities do you feel a person needs to have to be hospitality professional?

Keep an open mind. The industry is evolving and changing and you don’t know what’s going to happen. Keep building relationships with clients.

What do you recommend for others who want to get into the hospitality profession?

The hospitality profession is very versatile and there are many directions you can go. Find out what are you most passionate about and make a career of it.

What’s your favorite place in the entire world?

Disney World in Orlando, Florida

What is your favorite movie of all time? Why so?

The Harry Potter Series- From the first movie, the storyline was great, interesting, and made me believe in a world where magic exists.

What is your favorite way to spend a Saturday?

If the weather is nice, hanging out on my hammock and listening to music.

Did you—or do you—have a nickname? What’s the story behind it?

LC- It’s my initials. Cali- I have been called by my last name from my friends every once in a while. They think my last name is cool.

What don’t people know about you?

I like to collect keychains from different states and countries. I ask people to bring me back keychains as souvenirs and I have half of the states.

What is your favorite restaurant or bar (Personally)?

BrickHouse in Downers Grove, Rock Bottom in Lombard and The Cheesecake Factory in Oakbrook.

When not working, what do you love to do?

I love to read and spend time with my dogs.

What is your favorite color?


Are you a Cubs or Sox fan?


What’s your favorite thing about your hometown?

Lilacia Park is a really nice place to visit in the summer when the weather’s nice.

Which book(s) have you read multiple times?

The Harry Potter Series (all 7 books)

What’s on your bucket list?

To visit Italy

What was your First concert?

Demi Lovato

If you had to go back to school or learn a new skill, what would you want to learn?


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